Jun 5, 2023Liked by Maija Beattie

Love the LOUD PANTS!!! Living on the EDGE baby.

We think alike. Seriously, we are all gonna die.. either today, tomorrow or someday.

No one has made it out of this lie alive! AND, no every says "Wow, I wish I had spent more time at work!" Just sayin'.

I have so many friends fighting for their lives right now. Sometimes I don't know what to do other than to say I am 'here' for you if you need me. In my head I say "Go in Peace".

Of course I hope all my friends and family will out live me but "that ain't gonna happen". I need to remind them I love them as often as I can and to live my life as if its a wild and precious thing.

I LOVE YOU Maija! xoxo Sparky

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by Maija Beattie

I love your loud pants and I love you! I can hear them singing with laughter and curiosity!

Love you dear Maija! XOXO

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by Maija Beattie

I couldn't agree more! I recently attended a talk by Alua Arthur, a death doula. She said cheerfully, "We're all going to die!" She often observes women nearing death wanting to indulge in a dessert that they've denied themselves for decades - but at that point, the woman often can't eat or taste anything. Alua Arthur advised us, "Eat more dessert NOW while you can!" And I have. Thanks for reinforcing her message.

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Jun 3, 2023·edited Jun 3, 2023Liked by Maija Beattie

I love your loud pants! They fit you really well. You’re right. What am I waiting for? How loud can I be and what do I want to shout about and be outrageous about? Thank you.

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Jun 3, 2023Liked by Maija Beattie

Your stories always inspire me and turn light bulbs on in my head, this one included. And the pants are cute! Yes, loud maybe for you and me but they really are just cute! I wore a maxi dress out today and survived. Ha. Brave me. Cheers to you Maija, thanks for being so brave to share your writing, we're all benefitting immensely.

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Jun 3, 2023Liked by Maija Beattie

Oh em gee… I love your loud pants…. I love your writings! It’s so flipping refreshing. Reminds me of that day, long ago, when I realized my passion as a nurse was working/witnessing people LIVING with dying! It’s like seeing all the colorful lights shining brighter than ever through the dark and crazy chaos… but I can never explain it the way you do. You put words to the magic. I always look forward to your writings.

You inspire me to let go of the fear I have of writing and being understood. You inspire me to dive deeper; to indulge in freedom to embark and be present and open with both the smooth and rocky terrain!!

Sending love, prayers and gratitude for sharing your beautiful life right here, right now!


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Jun 3, 2023Liked by Maija Beattie

Loud pants, soft pants, pants that feel good and bring comfort and joy 💕 Thank you for your words, dear Maija. They always resonate 🌟

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