Mar 14, 2023Liked by Maija Beattie

Thank you, Maija. I love reading your posts, hearing your voice and looking at the photos. And getting a glimpse into your world, your thoughts, your heart and your process. I love your process of letting go and making room for what's really relevant and important. Thank you! Love you!

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Thank you Christine! Love to you

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THIS IS IT! has been my mantra since Kenny Loggins wrote the his song in the 80's. I was touched to see it in your post and had to pull it up and listen to it again. It is such a wonderful reminder to stop doing what you don't love, being with people you don't love and to see every day with joy, excitement and enthusiasm. If I haven't told you before I will do so now. You are a bright light and gift in my life. Love you!!! Sparky

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Thanks Karen. I'd forgotten about that song and will have to go listen to it again!

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Reading your words helps me connect back to my mother when she was on her cancer journey more than ten years ago. I appreciate it more than you can know. Given how precious every day, and every ounce of energy, is for you, its beautiful that you are willing to share some of that with the world through your writing. I’m exceedingly grateful for the reminder to pause and feel life as it is, right now. Sending love and gratitude your way 💕

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Thank you Ginger! Love back at you.

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I love reading and hearing your words here as you create such a vivid picture of life’s miraculous beauty in the midst of challenge. Although there is no cancer card in my deck, that I know of anyways, I appreciate your take that it has its perk. BRILLIANT!!! The perk of being still… noticing…. Letting go…

Letting go more…noticing more…healing stillness more. That’s the card right there that puts cancer in its powerless state. That’s the card I want to hang on to, without distraction, but boy, it’s challenging sometime. Thanks for reminding me… for inspiring me…

And thank you for sharing. You remain in my thoughts and prayers daily❤️

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Thank you Nancy. Love that perspective on the card.

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I’m really enjoying your writing and your sharing. Today, with tears streaming, I am especially touched by the line: notice notice notice. Thank you.

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Thank you Barbara. Noticing is everything, isn't it?

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